Friday, January 21, 2005

True tales of Induhviduals

I always laugh out loud when I dead my quarterly Dogbert's New Ruling Class newsletter. here are some excerpts from the most recent newsletter's TRUE TALES OF INDUHVIDUALS section.

Here are some more true tales of Induhviduals, as reported by vigilant DNRC operatives in the field.


When our printer ran out of color ink, one Induhvidual asked, "Why don't we print it in black and white and then take a color photocopy?"


One of our salespeople told a customer to "Write on a fax, in pretty good size letters, MUST SHIP TODAY." When the fax came in it said, "In pretty good size letters must ship today."


I was dining with a friend at our favorite Thai restaurant when one of the owners came by to show us photos of her new baby boy. Afterward, my friend remarked that she was surprised that the baby looked "so Chinese." I said, "Well, he does look Asian, since both parents are from Thailand, but what did you expect?" She said, "Yeah, I know, but I expected him to look more American since they've been living in the U.S. for 15 years."


We were chatting about the latest high price of crude oil, when a friend of ours piped up: "I don't understand the big deal about the price of oil. I mean, I only put oil in my car every now and then, but I put gas in my car every day!"


On Feb. 14th, my birthday, at our daily team meeting, the manager turned to me and said to the group, "And let's all wish Allen a happy birthday today!"

A programmer turned to me and asked, "Today's your birthday? How often does your birthday fall on Valentines Day?"

I had to struggle mightily to come up with a response that didn't include the phrase "dumb ass."


You can subscribe to the Dilbert Newsletter here.

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